Sunday, May 3, 2009

Traditional Clothing in Chile

Here is a video that shows two types of clothing that have traditionally been worn by Chilean men. The young man on the right is wearing what has typically been considered to be Chilean. The young man who begins the description (standing on the left) is wearing clothing of the region that reflects the influence of Argentina in this part of Chile. The young women in the video can be observed to be wearing traditional dresses for dancing "la Cueca" and "el Chamamé."


  1. Hi to Joyanne from all of us at Shepardson Elementary! I am watching your adventures and will share the videos with the Preeya and Jenjira's classes as soon as we are done with the MAPs testing this week! Hope you have a safe and fun adventure! The mountains are beautiful!

    Becky Woodcox

  2. congratulations for the blog page!!!
    I hope to see news of the visit to Coyhaique and Puerto Aysen...
    wishes and kisses

  3. I am greatly enjoying your blog. As a Rotarian, a visitor to Chile, and also a friend of Dr. Cruces. District 4350 is wonderful and you should have a superb experience. I am watching your GSE because I hope to lead a GSE from District 6110 to 4350 in May 2010. Buen viaje.
