Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Puerto Aysen Radio Interview

After our tour of the Salmon Processing Plant, we were invited to a radio station that is run by one of the local Rotarians. The radio station itself has a long history in the area, boasting one of the oldest stations in the community. Sandy and Joyanne were interviewed in the evening and the interview was broadcast to the community the following morning. As the photo of Amy indicates, there´s always time for fun when visiting a radio station! :)

Part of the interview with the DJ has been included here.


  1. Hey Amy! It looks like you know what you are doing! Does this mean you have a job in Chile? Good job on the blog you guys. I enjoy reading it. Have to admit I didn't get much out of the salmon guys talk! Could you all understand what he was saying? If so, I am impressed!
    Take care!
    Mom (Laurie)

  2. Hey, what's up Mrs. Siripacha!?

    This is Mrs. Estrada's class.

    We are wondering, what are you discussing in your interview?

    See you next week!
    Mrs. E's class
