Part of the interview with the DJ has been included here.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Puerto Aysen Radio Interview
Part of the interview with the DJ has been included here.
Salmon Industry in Chile
A portion of the informative lecture we received on how ISA is creating a devasting problem for salmon production and what is being done to solve this problem has been included here.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Food in Chile
National Flower of Chile: Copihue
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Parque Aiken del Sur
Obviously, it was a wet day, but the sun was shining and we got to see amazing plant and animal life as situated near this river and waterfall. Thanks again for reading and we´ll write more soon! - Joyanne :)
Visiting Rotary Clubs
Wow! Look at all the "bandarines" on the wall to the right as the Rotary club of Puerto Natales sings their Rotary song.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Coyahique and Puerto Aysen
We visited with two Rotary Clubs during our stay. The first meeting was that of a gentlemen´s club and was unique as it was held in a quincho (large open-spaced building where people can congrate and cook up huge sides of beef over an open fire) on a hillside, overlooking the town of Coyhaique. The members were very reflective and spoke about the importance of May 1st, or ¨Labor Day¨, as we call it.
The following day we had a wonderful time with the women´s club (1st yet!). The qunicho was absolutely spectacular as was the food, company, and entertainment.
Our stop in the nearby pueblo of Puerto Asyen was short but sweet. We were welcomed warmly, as usual. Field trips included a walk in a temperate rainforst (wow) and a very informative tour of a salmon opertation (farm and processing plant). We were all intrigued not to mention impressed. Chilean salmon is the world´s best.
Planes, trains (actaully, no trains), and automobiles took us to the City of Puerto Montt. I think we rolled in a bit tired, but all three Puerto Montt Clubs took wonderful care of us and proudly showed us their small city including a large shopping mall, the coast and finest restaurants, surrounding quaint pueblos and even a German museum (there are more German descendants, and therefore influence, as we head north). We also all experienced our second vocational visits.
Early this morning, we boarded a bus and were dropped in Osorno. This chapter is to be written in a day or so.... Also, more video clips and pics to come. Oh, one last thing to mention before I hit the hay, we are all very thankful to and for our host families! Surely many there are many more wonderful families to come, but thus far, we have been very fortunate. Muchas gracias!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Traditional Clothing in Chile
National Dance of Chile: La Cueca
Today we enjoyed a lovely presentation of both national and regional dances here in Chile. In the video one can observe the beauty and intrigue of Chile's national dance, "la Cueca." The group that presented this dance also demonstrated "el Chamamé," which, although is part of the rich heritage of Coyhaique, is of the Argentine tradition.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I truly enjoyed the people we met in Punta Arenas, the perfect place to begin our journey. (And a special thanks to my hosts Enrique and Sara Marchant, my parents away from home!) Amazing people and a rich history, I think we were all a bit sad to leave.
The small club in Puerto Natales was wonderful. We shared an intimate dinner where we were able to share our presentations about ourselves but also hear about each one of them. Yesterday we had the perfect day to visit Torres del Paine. Not a cloud in the sky!!!! We were all so grateful to be able to see the sights and will have plenty of pictures to remember and share the experience. Another Chilean dinner and a tired group last night.
An early day (they all are, we have a lot to fit in) with a bus ride back to Punta Arenas, a flight to Puerto Montt and then final flight to Balmaceda. Once again we were greeted with kisses from our smiling hosts and instantly made to feel welcomed. What a beautiful region. It is currently autumn and you can tell. Orange, yellow, red and green dot the rolling hills up to the large cerros that surround the valley.
More posts to come to, Club meeting and presentations tonight, area tour tomorrow.
Ciao for now!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Animals near Puerto Natales
First Vocational Visits
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Some bad news, some good ¨:-)
While our fearless leader was in the hospital, the rest of the team had a city tour of Punta Arenas. The weather was fairly horrible and I´m surpised there was no hypothermia in the group. However, we saw some amazing sights. This place has a rich and storied history! Today the excitement really begins- we have our first vocational visits and tonight our first presentation to a Rotary club.
Michelle and a statue of a man (and dog) herding Sheep.
And no it´s not cold at all (insert sarcasm here)
Amy and Libby taking photos of the Straights of Magellen from a beautiful vista overlooking the city of Punta Arenas.
Thanks for reading and we promise to update as often as possible!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
We have landed!
We arrived in Santiago this morning - stiff from our overnight flight on a crowded plane from Atlanta. Thank goodness for the eye masks and my SmartWool socks that were not too smelly as I put them near the head of the passengers in front of me!
We are staying at the Holiday Inn that is within a few steps of the airport complete with fountains in front, a lovely business center in the bar with free WiFi. (Which goes so well with a glass of Chilean red wine)
We ventured out to the City center today and walked at least 10 miles viewing architecture, people, and tasting a bit of the cuisine. As a team I think we are going to do very well - we have established some nicknames for each other...for instance, Libby is "La Guia" - the guide, Joyanne is "La Profesora" - the teacher, Amy is "El Arco Iris" - the rainbow because of her flexible personality, and Michelle is "La Ninita" - the Kid because she is youngest that that's her last name (Kidd). And, of coursed, I am "La Reina" - the Queen, dubbed by a taxi driver - so you know it's gonna stick!
Our experience today had us tasting a Pisco Sour, the official drink of Chile, which was delicious! Don't ask me what's in it, but it tasted sort of like a vodka gimlet with a bit more flavor to it. We also had to sample a little gelato and had a wonderful salsa with bread for our lunch.
The best statue that I saw today was two angels - one of whom is dying while the other stand over it. This was in front of the fine arts museum and was entitled "Unidos en la muerte y la gloria." - United in death and glory.
We will hit the sack early tonight to be prepared for our early flight to Punta Arenas (6:30 a.m.). That is where we will meet our Rotarian hosts for the first time and I am really looking forward to the experiences we will have there!
Hasta luego,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
We received our itinerary today so we now have more of an idea of what each day will hold. We are excited that a visit to Torres del Paine is included. (picture at left!) as well as many other exciting excursions! The next post will be from Chile! :) Hasta pronto!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
T minus 1 month until we depart!
We have had 3 team meetings and are almost set. The first meeting was in Steamboat Springs. The team all met for the first time at Rio Grande for dinner. Saturday we had a great morning yoga session and a day of meetings at the beautiful new Steamboat library. Group spaghetti dinner hosted by local Rotarian Jane (group picture).
The second meeting was in Fort Collins. Another fun group dinner at PF Changs started the weekend off. Meetings hosted by Chuck. We picked out team uniforms, discussed presentations etc.
This past weekend we had a small team meeting in Jackson. Due to weather in Fort Collins unfortunately Chuck, Paul, and Joyanne were unable to make the trek to Jackson. We conferenced them in on Skype so they didn't miss much. Practiced our presentations, worked on translations and had a wonderful lunch with District President Stewart Palmer at Betty Rock Cafe.